Spotify’s Sound Up Bootcamp Now Accepting Submissions

by adminuser

Spotify’s Sound Up Podcast Program is now accepting applications through June 21st. Sound Up is a Spotify program to support women of color who are also podcast creators. 10 applicants are chosen to attend a weeklong workshop in NYC and at the end of the program, participants will present their idea to a panel which will award three women 10,000 to fund the first five episodes of the proposed podcast.

Spotify’s website lists this information about the program:

“While women of color have been breaking ground in podcasting, we know there’s more work to be done and more voices to be heard. That’s why Spotify created Sound Up, an immersive accelerator to create space and provide resources for new podcasters. You don’t need any experience; all you need is an idea.

As a part of Sound Up, you’ll develop your idea through a free, weeklong program covering technical production, storytelling through audio, marketing your podcast, and developing the skills and confidence to create your podcast pilot.

At the end of the week, you’ll have the opportunity to pitch your idea to a panel of industry experts, who will then select 3 participants to each receive $10,000 to fund the production of five episodes of your podcast idea.

But, don’t worry, if you submit an idea to us, whether just as an application entry or if you get episodes produced, you retain ownership of your podcast idea. Your idea is still your idea.

We’re looking for ten new voices in podcasting. Apply to #SpotifySoundUp to get heard. “

For more information, visit the Spotify website by clicking here.

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