Gender Amplified has curated Spotify and SoundCloud playlists in order to celebrate women and the music they make. Our Spotify and SoundCloud playlists are updated weekly, bringing its listeners new music, old music, and everything in between (just all made/featuring/produced/sung by females) to incorporate into their music library.
Here at Gender Amplified, we want to increase the visibility of female producers as well as female singers, songwriters, and DJs. Through these playlists, we are exposing our listeners to new female artists and female-made music. This serves to elevate the voices and talents of women in music, increase monthly listeners on the Spotify and SoundCloud platforms for these artists, and encourage more women to create music.
Womxn with heat
Nothing but bops
For every Bushwick house-head wishing they were in Berlin.
The playlist for darty season.
For your 2am drive to the second club of the night.